SFX Church History

Geographical Location:

Mudarangady is a small town situated on the Indian West Coast, 5 miles east of Arabian Sea. Being primarily an agricultural area, Mudarangady is found 6 miles north-east of Padubidri (a place 40 miles North of Mangalore and 20 miles South of Udupi on the National Highway No.17) and 6 miles south of Shirva, also known as Manchakal.

The Background:

Shirva Parish in Udupi Taluk in Udupi Diocese was then a vast and extensive one. The Catholics of two wards – Kenha and Yellur – to the south of Shirva, 6 miles away from the Shirva Church were without spiritual care and facilities.

Rev. Fr. Antony Menezes of Shirva parish thought of building a Church here to ameliorate the conditions of the faithful, but his plans were frustrated as the people were not enthusiastic. So, he went to the northern side of Shirva and built a Church at Moodubelle at his own resources.

Then Fr. Gregory D’Souza, parish priest of Shirva, strived his best to build the Church here and bought the land from 3 different people. Eastern portion from Kalu Poojary, middle one from Cheddu Kini and western portion from Peter D’Souza (s/o Pascal D’Souza).

In June 1917, he erected a shed and started a school. Once in a while, he used to offer Holy Mass and attend to the spiritual needs of the faithful. His plan to build a Church could not be realized in spite of all efforts and persuasions.

Fr. Mathew Menezes, the successor of Fr. Gregory D’Souza too could not succeed to win over the minds and hearts of the people. He could only construct the school building in 1920, surmounting all the opposition and difficulties. When he came for pastoral ministry, he would stay in a catholic home, attend to the spiritual needs and offer Mass once a year. He used to send the Catechist to teach catechism to school children. When the educational authorities at the instigation of the local people forbade to offer Mass in the school, a shed was constructed to offer Sunday Mass.

The assistant priests at Shirva, Fr. Apoline Mathias and Valerian Colaco were coming in turn to offer Mass on Sundays. This was in the year 1936-37.

The Beginning:

Fr. Hilary Gonsalves, parish priest of Shirva, finally succeeded in securing the consent of the majority of the people. The people themselves forwarded a petition to the Bishop to establish a new parish at Kenha and send a priest to serve their spiritual needs. A new parish house was built in 1941. The Decree of erection of the new parish was issued on 23rd May 1942 – the Feast of the Pentecost – and the new parish was formally established on 31st May 1942.

The Struggle of a Holy Man:

Fr. Joachim M. Pereira, till then an assistant at Bendur, was appointed as the first parish priest at the young age of 33, on the very day of erection of the parish. He was a saintly priest of great austerity who had to shoulder the burden of uplifting the spiritual conditions of the new parish. The foundation stone of the new church was laid on 1.9.1946.
With self labour and efforts of the people, the present magnificent and beautiful church was built and blessed on 5.5.1953. He took up all round betterment of the parish and still remembered as the Founder of Kenha Parish. He was the parish priest till 26.5.1953.

Fr. Peter Paul D’Souza was in charge of the parish for one year from 26.5.1953.
Fr. Joachim Pereira left to his heavenly abode on 20.1.1966. His mortal remains were interned in the church, which he had built with great sacrifice of his life. 

A Priest of Great Plans:

Fr. Alphonse Cunha took charge of this parish on 24.5.1954. He worked with heart and soul for the spiritual development of the parishioners and improvement of the church building, i.e., plastering of the church, mosaic flooring of the church and parish house, etc. He got built the Gothic Belfry and installed three huge giant size bells brought from abroad. He also got walled the church compound and installed two gates. He got erected a portico to enrich the beauty of the church. He got obtained Bene Merenti Medal for Lazarous D’Souza of Dalantre from the Holy Father, the Pope. It was a great event in our parish. He also got built a grotto of Our Mother of Sorrows at Maikody. He was a man of great vision. He had many plans for the parish but had to leave the parish on 24.1.1961.

Later Priests:

Fr. Severine Rasquinha, a man of discipline and order, who had built churches at Kemmannu and Suratkal, succeeded Fr. Cunha. He got completed the remaining work of the Belfry. He attended whole-heartedly the spiritual welfare of the parishioners during his short stay of two and half years.

Fr. Raymond D’Lima who was appointed as priest-in-charge after Fr. Rasquinha, worked hard for the spiritual good of the parishioners. He got done the electrification of the church and the presbytery.

Fr. Charles D’Souza (Capt.) succeeded Fr. D’Lima. During his tenure, he had the privilege of bringing the pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima and constructed a grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes with his own resources.

Fr. Piadade F. D’Souza succeeded Fr. Charles D’Souza. The collections were made for a high school but was handed over to Vidya Vardhaka Samithi. He did nothing sensational except some good work here and there.

The Priests of Dedication:

Fr. Raphael A. D’Silva succeeded Fr. P.F. D’Souza on 24.5.1979. He worked with heart and soul for the spiritual uplift of the parishioners and improvement of the church. He got provided many new articles to the church and presbytery, such as benches, ceiling fans, etc. School building was renovated and converted in to a hall. During 1986, a shopping complex was constructed with 13 rooms, in front of the church and facing the main road, to get income for the parish. Generous parishioners donated selflessly to provide necessary articles for the church and upkeep of the buildings.

Fr. Joseph N. Lobo succeeded Fr. D’Silva on 22.5.1987. Presbytery portico was enclosed with windows and doors. Extra fans and decorative doom lights fitted in the church. Spiritual life of the parishioners was given priority .

Nirmala Sisters, a religious congregation from Andhra, opened their convent here in June 1988. To crown his service, the work relating to the records of the land of the parish which were in the names of late Fr. Gregory D’Souza and late Fr. Monthu Menezes got corrected after a great deal of hardship and efforts.

He got constructed a new commercial complex with 9 shops on the right side of the church, facing the main road. The Jubilee Memorial Hall – a dream of the decade – was constructed, and was blessed open on 19th May 1992, the Jubilee Day of the Parish, with generous help from the parishioners, their relatives and friends.

The Architect of Modern Mudarangady:

Fr. Vincent D’Souza succeeded Fr. Joseph Lobo on 25th May 1994. He started his own plans to change the entire look of Mudarangady from all angles. He was instrumental in securing the permission from the Education Ministry, Government of Karnataka, to start an English Medium High School. With the able support of the parishioners and well-wishers, he got constructed a two-story building for the school and a beautiful welcome arc at the entrance gate of the church.

The worship place was decorated with attractive doom lights and the Generator facility was provided. He introduced computers for the school children. He had enchanting communication prowess, and was very popular with everyone irrespective of caste creed and religion.

Fr. Lawrence D’Souza succeeded Fr. Vincent D’Souza on 2nd June 2002. He is a man of few words and self-disciplined. He believes in ‘simple living and high thinking’ besides being a visionary. He celebrated the Golden Jubilee of the Church on 5th May 2003 in a befitting style. His ability in organizing matters and tactics in dealings speak of his personality. He centered his action plans on the spiritual development of the parishioners, sound administration of the two schools, and cordial relationship with his parishioners.

Fr Francis Louis D’Sa who succeeded Fr Lawrence in 2009 was a dynamic  and talented person. A new shopping complex came into existence with his future plans for the parish.

Fr Francis Lewis accepted the baton from Fr Francis Louis D’Sa on 8th June 2016. Volumes need to be written with your partnership in the mission.